
The Enigma of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been among us for more than 70 years. As digital thinkers, we believe it is our obligation to understand and comprehend it, and… to use it to our advantage? What implications does it have that we label something “artificial” as “intelligent”? There is much debate nowadays about the use of artificial intelligence (hereafter, AI), but what is AI really?

The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines AI as the “scientific discipline that deals with creating computer programs that perform operations comparable to those carried out by the human mind, such as learning or logical reasoning.”

In recent decades, AI has dominated news and headlines for feats as “superhuman” as defeating the legendary chess player Garry Kasparov in 1997, laying the foundations for one of the biggest references in current machine learning (Siri and Cortana), or more recently, creating incredible digital artworks or texts worthy of a skilled writer.

Some uses of AI

The uses of AI are also diverse, both across sectors and in its applications:

?️ In heavy industry, robots perform tasks that humans cannot, either due to strength or danger.

? In Customer Service, chatbots have allowed for uninterrupted service for consumers, who have the option to resolve their queries through these bots.

?️ In the world of gaming, from the classic Furby to hyper-realistic video games, the learning of Non-playable character (NPC) behavior causes them to adapt to the player’s actions, without following the same programmed movements as in the past.

? In the automotive sector, with Tesla as a reference with its autonomous vehicles. This last case is one of the most debated in recent years, as AI failed, and this error resulted in physical harm to human beings.

The reliability of AI

It is here, among other aspects such as morality or the level of dependence we have on machines (movies like “I, Robot” (2004) offer a more than pessimistic view when addressing this question), where one of the main debates surrounding artificial intelligence arises: to what extent should we trust AI?

There have been significant successes, but also errors that are not easily forgotten (chatbots proclaiming Nazi slogans, autonomous machines losing control…).

The reality, as of today, is that AI learns at astronomical speeds but still requires management and control by humans, which limits a certain degree of automation.

And, at this point, we suggest you look back at this short post and ask yourselves: Did a person from the Jelliby content team write this article, or did they resort to one of the many tools based on the use of AI to draft it? To what extent is the personalization and humanization of a text palpable in writing?

We’ll leave a wind